DAY 12
Today we rode from Pahiatua to Featherston. It was a good day. An interesting day!
The first interesting thing we saw was this:
Yes, someone is building a roller coaster, in their back yard. This isn’t just a little playground type roller coaster, either - this is a fair dinkum, what-you-might-find-at-a-carnival roller coaster. I’ve nothing more to say other than that this guy (or girl) has some hobby.
The second interesting thing was our first experience with road rage. We were standing on a country road taking photos of this interesting tree:
.. when a car drove past. With ample room and no need to slow down at all as we had moved off the road (with plenty of time to spare), they slowed right down and made angry gestures at the empty space we had made for them to drive through. Okay, sorry about your free road?? Bizarre.
Our third interesting thing was our new buddy, Stewart. When you are silly enough to ride a Raleigh 20 on Tour Aotearoa you generally get one of two responses. Some are unnecessarily complimentary about our abilities (when they ought not be). The rest quite rightly just say we are idiots. Not going to lie, Stewart was the most eager so far to compliment us, and we deeply appreciated his words of encouragement.
aww shucks, stu, stop - you're making us blush
We had a brief rest after second breakfast in Ekatahuna and then McDonalds for lunch - with thick shakes.
We even had a tailwind letting us ride with the UE Boom pumping out tunes at 35 km/h on the flat between Masterton and Martinborough (which is a big deal for us, and worth celebrating here!
We had croissants for dinner in the Martinborough square. We're very fancy.
Then we had a stiff headwind on an over full stomach all the way to our excellent Airbnb just out Featherston - a good day and a brilliant end!
Key stats:
Total Elevation gain: 992 m
Distance: 144 km
Time spent on bikes: 7 hours 28 minutes
Max speed: 58.3 kph
Calories burnt: 3618
Man look at how much harder you guys have to work even on the flats compared to the dude with aerobars and 29 inch tyres!!! Loving the reads!