It's a big deal.
We finally got our first eggs benedict!
We woke before 6 and as we wandered down from our bandstand-come-sleeping cabin to the nearby bath room Eric spied a trucker leaping out of his cab and scurrying into a shop. Now, there is only one type of shop a trucker would be interested in at 6 am, so after quickly packing our worldly possessions, we rode down and ordered.
Eggs Benedict with bacon, 2 hash brows and a flat white? Yes please.

And the verdict? $13 for the Eggs Benedict, $2 for the hash browns, $4 for the coffee. And it felt WOW. Admittedly we're probably a little generous due to our state, but an enthusiastic 8/10. Very acceptable.
Well satisfied, we got on our bikes and rode. On the road.
It was wonderful. The road we rode on was nice smooth worn seal, the birds were singing, the sun was shining, the Raleighs were humming along nicely and all was well.

And then the road we rode on turned into a gravel forestry road. And it was not wonderful. The road had huge corrugations and deep dust, the birds were squawking, the sun was beating, the Raleighs were rattling and all was somewhat painful.

(That eggs bene though .. 😍)
And the beach was lovely when we got there!

Then: a wee relax on the Ferry to Parakai, dinner in Helensville, and finally, some sleep at a mate of a mate’s 5km off the route (thanks again for that!)
Day three: done.
Today's vital stats:
Total Elevation gain: 993 m
Distance: 79 km (+44km on the ferry)
Time spent on bikes: 4 hours 43 minutes
Max speed: 76.3 kph
Max temp: 27 degrees
Water: 6L each
